Tuesday, 13 October 2015


The black shape of crow falls across the page
                                                                       Peter Porter

Crow is one of the first things you hear.
I wouldn’t even attempt to spell that sound
It’s the sound of poetry.  Die-verse-if-I-cation

Die-verse-if-I-nation that wants to move on
through a so-called unstable peace process. 
We have all lived these hard-times of
Austerity and cut backs.  We are beyond
Millionaire politics, we’ve got to
Reach inward, give to get humanity.

We have all seen images of death
And destruction but we have to face
Truth and accept it, it’s not nice but
It’s someone’s truth an every-
day occurrence.  Let’s stop this
Them and us blame-game.

When will you see my shadow

When I’m dead and gone?
New wave

Jet streams are feinting the sky
Making my day, preparing
The page for memory
That pops into my head.

I was talking to my carer
And this image came to mind.
New wave, wearing a Bowie suit
And winkle picker shoes, being
Stoned and called a queer
By a gang of kids.  Walking down
Edward Street to catch
The 47a home, returning from
London, 1978.

This book of poems by Attila Jozesf
Is all I have left from my Hungarian visit?
The ashtray I took from the bar
Where I ran creative writing classes
Was broke.  The lines of my life
Are vapor fueled, taking me

to paradise.

for Fiona

Alone walking the black paths
a carer going to care for a man who 

doesn't care?
Lost in a world of dark roads
and grey gutters. Even the sun-
shine is no good to him.

I ponder the key-pad and steady
myself, entering a world I don’t know
'Morning', I can't even say 'good morning',
'what good is it he answers'.

I got him showered and dressed and left him
looking into the world beyond the break-
fast table, looking into the clear blue sky 
to see darkness, darkness is his hope.

I left him to see from his
wheelchair, went on to
the next call on my rota.
wishing he were dead, I think?


For Ray

Trying hard to recall a day in the cottage
in Hackballscross 1973-74’.
I watched a documentary on Ted Hughes
called: 'Stronger than death'
Put up on Facebook by a friend and it
Threw up another memory.

I woke that morning in a human
And paraffin stench.
The cottage had no electricity
No running water or toilet.
You went for a walk over
A field with a spade.

Seven miles from Dundalk deep
Deep in Kavanagh country.
Mucker was just over the fields
I lived like the green fool
For that year but it was heaven.
Beyond those black hills
Of shancoduff, beyond the war-
torn streets of Belfast.

When I opened the half-door
The dawn shot through like
A bullet from a snipers rifle.
Then I remembered this
Wasn’t Belfast.

I clenched my eye lids tight
Like wishing on a star
And I smelt the sudden hot-
Stink of fox.  I opened
My eyes adjusting to the sun-
Burst glare and the wild animal
Staring at me just beyond
The door.

As if it came from the page
Of the fox thought, staring
For what seemed like seconds.
Then it just turned and walked
Away.  Memory was like that
Dawn light, I remembered when
I was fourteen in the cottage.

I lost forty five years of memory
During a stroke in 2005, wow
The power of poetry, thanx Ted
Ray Givans and I can’t forget
Patrick Kavanagh.

This is beyond words, this

Just appeared on the page.

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