Friday, 14 October 2016


Rolled in and out bed, me
With a regal head, poetry
And poverty sit close by.
Poverty is good for the soul
Writ the green fool.

The cottage stood at the end
Of duffy’s lane, no electric
Heat, no toilet.  Like a day in
Patrick Kavanaghs day but 1974.
My Da was on the run from
the black north beyond those
black hills of Shancoduff.  He
knew nothing of poetry.

Ignorant thug, conned con man
Who thought the world owed him
Poor bastard and that’s the dogs
honest truth.  I roamed those
fields like a flea bitten street urchin
but the grass was always cool
round my ankles.  The bastard
didn’t know he had to give to get.

He didn’t know what real love was

I went for water and dug holes

What more did i want!

I wrote this in my negative capability between John Keats and Lou Reed to roll of my paralyzed mumbling tongue, between the flower and the bee, my bee maybe?


My self-pains, my paralyzed side reigns
My non-sense, as though a tab I took
or shot heroin up the dropper’s neck
better off than this un-walking dead.
Not to seek a happy lot but
To feel joy in this unhappy lot.
The golden leafed spirit of the tree
In some melancholic un-plot
Of color shadows, to sing a perfect day
in full throat ease.

Oh, for a glass of vino, that traps my nerve
And sends me off along a deep delved earth.
A sailor sailing off on a clipper ship, rushing
On my run and I feel just like Jesus’ son
Rose petal song and sunburst mirth.

Full of the true, blushful merlot with beaded
Bubbles bursting on my brim.  With purple stain
That I might leave this world unseen and fade
Away into the forest dim.  Fade away memory
dissolve, forget me not, when the blood begins
to flow, and shoots off a paralysis cerebral palsy
in the brain injury, a white-haired man stands shell
like clammed up.  where but to think is full of sorrow
dead eye despair, where beauty cannot keep, love
is gone beyond tomorrow, love can’t even see today.

Away! away! I wish that I could fly to thee
Chariot wheelchair not fucking mythology
Disabled wings of poetry.  The brain retards
In me, queen moon rise on my wheel-
chair throne.  Here there Is no light, only
breezes blown through gloom.

I cannot see flowers at my footplate twisted feet
Nor soft incense hanging boughs, embalmed
In darkness in darkness.   I don’t know where
I’m going, darkling I listen, for many a time
I’ve been in love with death called him hard names
in many a mused rhyme.  to take into air my quiet
breath now more than ever it seems rich to die
nullify, my high requiem become a sod.  Forlorn

Forlorn the very word rings like a bell

was it a vision or a waking dream?

What am I to do, kill my-
Self again? How many
Time’s have I to write
The dog’s honest truth?

When there is no love
No hate and no belief
emotional memory
Was all erased, crippled
Wheelchaired killing time.

I’m not blue, nothing on
My mind, nowhere to go
Only my own suicide, like
A new-born without
The trauma of life.

I live in my own suicide
I can’t even get high
All I get is my due end.
The only way out is in.


My life is such a bore!
Birds migrate north.
Give me something
To live for?

All that matter is the pome
I’ve said all this before.

My purpose, negative-
Capability between
The flower and the bee.

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