Tuesday, 15 October 2019

'finding yourself in a hole at the bottom of a hole', in almost solitude, and discovering that only 
writing can save 

Margareitte Dumas


AT 21 : 21


Memory isn’t stored in the brain.
This pome is a gut reaction, my sons
Are down here with me, I’ll sense
Them sometime soon I hope. It takes
two to tango, placebo-effect.

In-care-nation is here and now, beaut-
I full moment us moment pome.

New-year I feel the heat of the sun, strange
Climate but what of others in this world
 just watched Australia burning, we have

                                    got to give to get.


X-ray source, black-hole.
We split into two, a world
Within a world. A particle
Anti-part, holon-graphic
Memory, a weightless holo-

Happy new year loneliness
I wish you all the best.


In the first moment-us moments
Of 20/20, my father never gave
Me shit, this isn't revenge it's re-
Morse code.

Dot-dash-dash-dot, fuck this and fuck
That, I am fucking coming back
From the brink.

Earthling earth thing, circulation flows
Through my bare feet, I woke up this
Morning, I woke up this morning,
Feeling sad but not being.

I accept the new found man
And set the twilight reeling.


Who is apologizing to whom?
Is this a Jim Crowe, civil war
Irish/English problem, it’s not
Hard to be civil, civil rights
For civil wrongs.

Is this just down to the dollar
Bill, are we going up political
Hill. Are you a holocaust survivor
Or are you an Eichmann Jew.



Tram-oh-doll is taking me down
Can’t live with or without, burns
My very skin.

I can see twenty, twenty like
A map stating you are here
With an earthing sheet that
Grounds me, circulation flow.

Lifted my leg lifted my mood
Can’t get better than this down
Here where poetry knows.

Even Basho would be proud, his
Footprint in snow left his mark.


Five hundred years ago or
There about he walked
The earth from hut to hut.

The clothes on his back to
Warm his solitude, poverty
Was his wealth. Today we

Can’t match his words worth
Spellbound, we live a different
Mindset, I can’t slow down my meta-
Bulisum equilibrium to watch melons


Beautiful bird so
Wild and free, flies up to mate
Black and white in tree.

Magpie, magpie where
Did you go, the tree is bare
Lonely like me.

 You have found your branch
Like poem swaying in
Wind, hold firm pome.


Lou, Lou, Lou-I miss you.
There's no one left to write
A negative/positive charge.

A creed more surge that gives
us hope, Mr no personality
they killed your sons.

You wrote life from a de-
Fault stage and I will never
Forgot that, in my surge
Stroke down blues.

This poem attempts to walk
your talk. Your sad, sad song
will reach a Reedian slant like
that of a romantic poets
negative capability.

There will never again Be-rlin.
Left off leftfield and left again
New York will never be the same

But you are still the king.


The sun-comprehending glass, and beyond it,
the deep blue air, that shows Nothing, and is
Nowhere, and is endless’.       PHILIP LARKIN

In the blackness behind my eyes
A shadow walks across my mind
Ten times a day like: some one
Walks  over  my grave.

The shadow wants to appear
Into a band of light, how can
One draw it out into to me.
to  open up the crack .

I have been waiting for  over
Ten years, for me to show my
Face. From zom-me empathy
Show me my face.

I cant keep writing bland pomes:
x-mas eve, watching loneliness
a paper shade moon, reading Basho.

Urinal- piss-pot-bed-rail- monkey-
Pole. Lost in a feedback loop, de-
Fault mode equilibrium. How long

Can this syl-labelling go on? both syl-


Being a bland frequency being.
My back starts to get sore a-
round four. Living in uncaring care,
living a wheelchair ten to four good
buddy, my handle is wheelchair poet
on a footplate highway.

C.B.D. will set you free, at least help
you get there, so, ease down your motor-
way without a un-care. My care-plan for
got my lunch today but I remembered 
C.B. radio, a blast from the past, lost
memory ten-four good buddy.



This is my person-
all kairos metanoia
godlike agape, known
to unknowing


Browsing poetry archive, I realized
I’m out on a limb, a paralyzed one.
I don’t even have a voice for my
Verse if that’s what you call it.

I cant find my voice among the verses.
Will you gift to me your voice so I can
Lilt a rhyming song and not have a flat
Hyphenated broken word, without
Rise and fall.

I cant even remember how my words
Worked in you, all ego now is egoless.
I need a little bit of hope, for my words
To pick me up and warble a warbler’s
birdsong, full-throated joy.

Let my words rise in you, to roll
Them of your tongue like going
Into a flow state, non-being
Realm of possibility.



               Sitting on a disabled toilet
with not much to lose. Re-
reading the queens of suicide:
Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath.

I don’t want to fuel superstition
this is not an old wives tale.
It's just me here on a toilet.
Suicide isn’t a romantic place,
it's dark and it's very lonely, you
don’t want to go there.

I live there I don’t have a choice.

Isn’t it interesting that suicide is
the opposite to poetry Anne sexton
says and I have been writing Pomes
for years trying to find the link
to pull me back into life.

Is this a poetic pome or am
I just kidding myself? I have
always called them pomes be-
cause everyday I die for them
it is post-partum depression.

This is a poem I wrote
back then thinking of those two.
Do you know Just how much cou-
rage it takes to try to kill yourself?



Role models of the nineteen fifties,
Blemished acceptance of it all. 
Existing for animal to breed cold 
breasts for children to feed, 
warmth when the animal fondles, 
dreaming the brilliance of death.

Preserving the elegant cloak un-
Hooded, the poet has nothing,
is nothing. The creation of words
is the greatest gift, lone-
Self, this couch is fine therapeutically. 
Regressing back to the nineteen twenties.
Living of self indul-
Gent well to do ghosts
of the past.

Abandoned in the hell of American dream.
A post part them depression, surviving dis-
eased afterbirth. The red roses melt, blotching water,  spurting from the wrong house.
Do you know how much courage
It takes to try to kill yourself?

Every sinew and tendon, right
Down to the bone. All they
Ever wanted was the soup of
Humanity and you treat them
Like cowardly dogs. 

They are from your broken lot, they
Have just been through hell.

You must give to get, this
Is the dog’s honest truth?
You can’t see past your own
Nose, give them credit where
Credit is duende. 

You gave me life, now this is my reason to
Live and I throw it back in
Your face.




spirit, matter, I
am-ness yugen
space mind

quantum mechanics
uni-verse splitter

you can be a bas-
tard but don't ever
be a cunt

cars, lorries go by
washing machine

playing rubber-
 water bottle like 
a bass beat

I'm going into
a flow state, non-
being realm

Woke with an image
in my head-a candle
wrapped in barbed wire.


I have been reading Fraud 
and Jungian dream analysis 
and the conclusion, I've come 
to is that I dream darkness.

In the past ten years, I've woke 
with images in my head but 
I wouldn't call them dreams 
more like stills, from these two 
great minds. 

I went to the present day 

and Ian Mc Gilchrists work 
on the divided brain lateralisation 
but I can't see my shadow appear 
or disappear, its as if I don't fit.

I know its just my hologram state 
that's locked in but just show me 
a crack, Leonard Cohen said there's 
a crack a crack in everything that's 
how the light gets in.

I so want to understand this state 

of non-being. I am not a kill-joy, 
joy was killed in me, my dreams 
used to be a way in or out 
of my poems.

I have only dreamed four times 

in over ten years and I have come 
away with stilled images so, 

I wouldn't call them dreams.

Ever since I woke in a stroke-
 ward with a butterfly effect. 
Even these words aren't a revelation, 
repetition seems to be the editor, 
how many times can I recycle life. 

This blog is the nearest thing 

I'll ever get to desire so ill blog on.

Delmore Swartz wrote a story called 

in dreams begin desire. I seem to want 
what I can't have. I used to caress things, 
I think I don't think I abused my position. 

Its as if a little slant of life got through 

to produce these stills, a morsel of hope 
I hope. I have to be realistic to stay 
in equilibrium to de-rise my desire.


Red berries, green fern in
A white worn wicker basket.
Supplants x-mas, puts me in
My place among merry
Evolution. I’m happy-sad just
Being, I don’t relish sent-
Time-mentality, ego isn’t
Lego you build on.


How can I find myself within myself?
I’m diving into a locked-in-syndrome.

This is my event horizon, where I put
Things keepsakes. I need to find sub-
Stance, so much of my life is locked.

How can I find what I don’t know,
Know what I have, ecstatic truth
Is what I seek, a place in the uni-



writ before my stroke:

A white Vauxhall victor pulled up at the white-line of the old irish border post in 1974. The man in the long black coat handed the driver his licence, looking across at the boy on the passenger side, he held a growling dog trying to hold his knees from shaking with fear like a chill it got right down to his bones.

He knew how much this meant to his father, his father was the 
longest detainee in Ireland held for nine months under the special powers act. the boy knew the dungeon facilities his father had to live under as he visited with his mother and heard stories of white noise, putting a sack over their heads and tossing them out of a helicopter thinking they were miles up in the air. I was a republican child then.

The man waved the car into no man's land. Dad slapped the steering wheel like someone scored in the cup final on the radio. We did it! he smiled a smile the boy rarely seen, reached across and run his hand through the boy's hair who almost burst with emotion.

Almost getting lost they pulled in just before Dundalk town, look for a sign that says Castleblaney road said his dad. they drove for miles then saw a shop at Hackballscross crossroads.
dont forget say as little as possible. dad got some food and took it to the counter, with a blue and orange camping set
of plates, cutlery and cups.

It was like being in a shop in an alien world, everything looked new exciting even the woman's strange accent giving directions to my father. 200 yards along the road past the garda station on the right before duffles lane like a song. Do you want a chocolate bar, his dad said, it all looked good he pointed to a bag of eclairs, will you be staying long she said, dad never answered if the shop is shut just knock on the door next door, dad paid took two bags and left.

we piled in and after seconds we piled out and muttley chased cars on the road. Dad opened the cottage door

with an ogres key, two rooms a kitchen and a bedroom,
dad said there was no water electricity or toilet but there 
is a well along the road we will find, we will be alright here away from the madness, i took in the bags while he lit the parafin lamps in each room, went to the car for the newspaper muttley lay on and broke branches from the tree to light the stove.

soon bacon and sausages were sizzling warmth through the room. dad fed muttley two sausages and bacon who scoffed them down and wanted more. his dad handed him a blue plastic plate of beans sausage egg bacon all half cooked but he didnt care dad had an orange plate and blue cutlery

and drank milk from an orange cup, they laughed.

they took in their clothes and other pots and kettle etc and tried to make a home livable. made the beds and lay there listening to wildlife go across the roof from the field behind
at the same level, mostly foxes said dad no need to be scared. it was good to be away from tanks and gunbattles
although he missed his family and friends. he lay there with the dog at his feet remembering: the troubles, drifted off.

he woke early, the cold emptiness chilled the rooms of the cottage, he opened the half door and watched a beautiful dawn he had never seen before, as if some poetic thing had entered and he would never ever be the same again. a fox came out of the bushes just feet in front watched him watching him. we stayed like that for a minute

then he went on his way, wow what a moment he could almost smell the hot stink of fox. that murdering time he later would call freedom winds in a poem, he didnt know then who patrick kavanagh was but he went on to be a published poet who felt kavanaghs poetic presence. i wish i could leave it at that but this is the truth and you cant beat the truth no matter how sore.

the man and boy were driving to a cottage in hackballscross, the man was the longest detainee

in ireland let out on bail after nine months. he was jumping bail to go on the run with his son

the cottage they drove to was owned by the I.R.A.

to run guns across the border but the boy at the time didnt know. 

The mist moves in over Islandmagee
blue horizons no longer seen. 
I'm here at The Poets House, locked 
in a poetry workshop: "Invasion".

As the mist begins to clear, I see
purple, the head of thistledown.
I reach to touch the color green
my skin welts with nettling pain.

I move inland along climbing narrow
twisting lanes, smugglers paths.
The blemished earth of invading
armies from other defeated shores.

The nettle stings have disappeared
but the gulls cry in my heart, I move
inland like fireweed on this burnt
encrusted land.


Its been raining for days. 

I sit in the tent trying to 
figure out what this 
sound reminds me of. 

It's like having the answer

on the tip of your tongue.
Then it struck me, drift-
wood crackling in a fire.

That's what poems do

lull us into a false sense. 
Intense heat when its cold
bone dry when wet. My wife 
and son sleep soundly.

It's supposed to be summer 

in Sligo, Rosses Point, July
twenty-something but it could be 
October, I'm nor sure anymore. 
It could be El-Ninio?

The boat masts in the harbor

clatter like a herd of livestock 
lost in the ocean. 

for Jeff Buckley

"Its a cold and it's a broken halleujah"

                                          Leonard Cohen

When I was a boy, I fell into a Labyrinth

I was lost in the beauty of seaweed 
and aquamarine, in freezing cold water
I felt the warmth of the stones.

I haven't been in this room in two days.

I couldn't remember writing the first  
stanza of this poem, I was drunk. 
Drinking your words!

I shift some pages and your face appears

in monochrome, below the photograph, 
it says, Buckley: shocking honesty 
and beside it is a quote:

"don't be like me and burn your books 

of poetry. I have a destructive nature, 
sometimes I have this impulse to destroy 
things, usually having to do with me".

On one of those sheets of paper, I wrote: 

I walked out into the water and felt 
the warmth of the stones. 

The pebbles I threw as a boy are the pillows 

you rest your head upon in the bed 
of the Mississippi.

The salmon gnawed your flesh on their way

to the spawning ground. I heard your voice
and it moved in me.

Hallelujah, Mississippi, hallelujah.


Emerging from the depths of darkness.
The ocean's empty sorrow. Your eyes 
wells of salted tears rubbed raw 
in the wounds of sight.

The light of morning evaporates the pools of sorrow, names lost in arid dreams,
a parched landscape.


neuroscience says the right brain
is chimpanzee mind, monkey-man.

Let me start by saying I am not a scientist 
Just a mere poet who is intrigued. 
In the last few years, I have been gripped 
By Ian Mc Gilchrist’s awareness, his divided 
Brain theory. 

I took a massive stroke in 2005, my left brain 
Was erased so, I live on the right side and its 
Far from monkeyville, how can you explain how 
I can understand the divided brain. 

I have been writing for years on my sense 
That Ray Carver and Pat Kavanagh have 
Been here with me in the realm of possibility. 
Me becoming a poet was accidentally 
On purpose. 

Both these poets and others have been trans- 
Mitting waves of humanity. I believe that D.N.A. 
Is sent to strands of D.N.A. via waves of crypt- 
Tochrome like microwave signals from a phone 

Ian Mc Gilchrist is probably the only person alive 
That will know what I am talking about. Ian, I think 
The lumps at back and front of the brain are trans- 
Mitting humanity. This might even be the answer to consciousness the reason why we sense another being-
being there, waves of humanity are linking humans. 

I believe Ian is right on. Is this plausible
If you go to cryptochrome on utube 
and see how one strand of D.N.A.  comm-
unicates with another, a signal of humanity. 

My life and my poems have been about seeking 
Feeling not meaning, we have been searching 
For meter rhyme and meaning but the Portuguese 
Poet Fernando Pessoa said ‘it is not necessary just  

to live but to feel’. 


We met at the bin sheds of Moylinn estate.
A new-city dream of clean streets and I was 
on the frontline given a donkey jacket with 
C.B.C. on the back felt like a punk of society, 
toe capped boots, overalls and a litter picker, helping hand.

Today I still use a helping hand due to being
Paralyzed. Back then I was a Lou Read litter
Ature armed with black nail varnish, black bin liner.

The guy working with me and kinger killed
His ma they used to flick butts at him, he must
Have felt worthless like the litter we were
picking up. Probably the best job I  ever had,

Worthless poor guy.

Fernando Pessoa said 'It's not necessary

only to live but to feel'.

The computer is my insulted
Quill, a blackbird visits me
and two magpies touch
and touch me, above
the mini daffodils.

Is rhyme what I’m searching for
I don’t think so! Before basho
there was no Basho, beyond
poetry, words have an inner
rhyme, I seek feeling not

Paul Dirac the theoretical physicist said  
‘The aim of science is to make difficult
things understandable in a simpler way,
the aim of poetry is to state simple things

In this blog, I hope to show science to be 
the poetry of reality.

TWILTY (nice memory)
For Ann-drea

Spiders wearing clothes came out
of my drawers. Reminding me of
being stoned out of my mind. Maybe
I’m coming out of myself.

I can almost see Anne’s vision. 
Vaporised memory of acid-ecstasy-
Vicks inhaler inhaled levitation. 
The Bettys town sand beneath
my toes like fossil remains.

Only half the people knew I was out of it, 
the other half stag weekenders knew that 
I was never straight, I floated along to But-
lins holiday camp, I wasn’t paranoid of three
hundred people at the bar, my friend
said what do you want, I said
I didn’t care.?  

For that five mile walk it felt like I never
put one foot in front of the other.

Telomeres, we are
drowning in information
while starving wisdom.

the singular I 
amness conscious re-


Nothing is everywhere 
in the luminous ether, 
we have been fleeced 
of empty space.

The quantum mechanics 
of commonsense, the quantum
weirdness of everything.

A fluctuation of time
the Dirac equation
matter poem.

ψ = ψ(xt)


I can’t remember what I was like 
before I took the massive stroke. 
I have no long-term memory no 
longer, all I got is poetry. 

This is my rhyme,  my reason,
I’m alive, that’s the main thing 
This is my way of verse-sing.  

Give to get a little happiness 

so said the poet of essential 

loneliness. I used to love 

the way I taught, I think? 

Aphasia phased in me, 
I will praise you, I hope, 
I have a little in-forgot.


Just moments before the next big bang
Caused by climate change, this is a sci-fi
verse a crus=I- fiction?

A dark matter tale from a vast dark
Emptiness and from that black matter
Comes a being with only the right side
of his brain.

His left side was damaged during a stroke
that almost killed him and left him confined
to a wheelchair, paralyzed.

Lifeless without a realm of metaphysical be-
Ing, don’t we have to get lost to get found?
Through poetry he got lost and found said
The man in a wheelchair speaking
Spiritual intelligence. We are broken
human beings but we don’t have to be.

This has the rules of hidden un-
known grammar like a sensory

spectrum of rainbow spiritualism.

                                           LOU REED

 The fabric of life in Jacquard silk.
Electricity thrust humanity forward like
A captain beefheart howl, re- verb-
erating from men who think things
And women who care and think people.

Information emanated like bending energy
With laser particle accuracy. We are just a
speck in the multiverse, a star of all stars
A super-nova in the night sky. A god star
Two thousand years ago, we use our minds
To make an interstellar leap of faith.

I can see the paralex method, double image
Right and left eye optic, a trillion light years away, reaching my eye in an island uni-verse


Return to the uncarved block, infancy.
My words are easy to understand
It acts without a name, flowing like
Water, following your own nature
Deep, deep, deep to the gateway
Of subtle illumination.

Don’t cling to your body’s woes, crippled
Becomes whole.  Egoless ego cultivates end-
Less energy to rise fall and stand
Beyond dark wonder.

Nature’s way moves on through dark
Vision, what was will be and what will
Be was, opposites attract.  Gold can’t
Be guarded, fulfill within, wars famine
Great victory is a funeral, the bright road
Seems dark in wreathed smiles, clay is
The word and clay is the flesh.

Empty words go back to nothing, magnificent scenery remains still, drop drops like stone. Good words leave no trace in the intangible essence, know when to stop, hold your ground.
Empty vessels and blunt weapons fade
away. A violent man does not die a natural
death. Held loss harms nothing, stand by
your word No more sorrow, no self.

Last night I watched the barefoot –
Doctor give a talk on Taoism and Ken
Wilber spoke of a recurring dream
he had as a boy that sparked in me
a recurring dream that I had of a rabid
slobbering dog that chased me
through a corridor in dreamscape.

I always wondered why my shadow
Was so dark in my poetry. I never
Realized that it was the anger of
The beast.

Nirvana, samsara, nirvana, samsara
Repeated like a mantra, for a moment
the wheels of samsara suffering came
off  and left me in the realm of possibility.


I had transcended the troubles
And the special powers act
Through my poetry into my
true self.

Me and my shadow, nirvana, sam-
Sara. My spiritual intelligence, a par-
alell-a-verse, My head injury was cris-
Crossing my divided brain. Neurons
Were firing in my mind like thoughts
I hadn’t used during my stroke.

Being, consciousness flowed like shadows
In Plato’s cave, Heraclitus flow, super genius
A morphogenetic field of measured matter
Individuation, my humanity lives forever
In my pomes, trans-my-great, it’s a bloody
Mystery said Wilber satori, satori, satori.



Raw war is over let humanity begin.
We have been war fodder for hundreds
of years, red, white or blue coats with green
and orange mindsets. Worthless beings
massacred on the banks of the Boyne of

William of orange and King James drew swords
that mirrored the far-shore of the Boyne,
James surrendered off among the bloody army
of both sides.

The date of that battle was seared beneath our flesh for generations to come. Neither men or man in pools of blood held any grief for the fallen, dead. As James Joyce said history is a nightmare from which we are trying to awaken.

No wonder he exiled himself from Ireland. Ever since then we have been sword and cannon fodder for king and country.


These are my holy war
Lottery numbers, I don’t
Do the lottery or hate.
I’m just the son of a bastards
Son, living him on the run.
Republicanism cut me down
To his narrow water vision.
Eng-ire-land I saw beyond
You and me, catholic/pro-
Testant kill one another.
How many more holy wars
Do we have to endure, are
We just barbarians let out
On a Good Friday agreement.
It’s just a matter of time un-
Less matter really matters

The big hand in the sky is
Pointing at you, Yes you!
I hope these numbers
Don’t come up again?


In nineteen seventy-one I hopped and skipped
Along, my  father was in Crumlin Road jail, so,
there was just me and god going to a mock
confirmation mass, I was going to see my best

On my way up the steps to the great doors, I
heard gunfire behind me on the Crumlin road.
 I ducked into the bushes to see a man in a
Balaclava shoot three people dead raised his
Rifle to the sky and said this is for god and
Ulster. Only I hid in the bushes he would have
Killed me as I was only feet away.

To this day I still can’t fathom why he imbued
to let this happen I looked down at the cheap
plastic innocent mother of pearl missal looked
up to the great doors and threw the missal
away and wept running all the way home.

My mother held me and asked what happened,
how could he let this happen , mum?  We never
spoke of it after that but until then my mother
was a devout catholic a sacred heart child but
she chose to be cremated.


We have only got rid of slavery in a serious way,
One hundred and fifty years ago. Between
seventeen seventy and eighteen hundred both
Buddist and Christian monasteries had slaves
Armies were raised and razed to fall like shell-
shocked corpses, nobody figured out that one
person owning another was wrong, a bad way
to treat someone.

Life was so cheap in Ireland, for hundreds of
years we have been just sword and canon
fodder right up to this day, really what worth
Is it to be a human being. I know who I am, do
You, all for king and country.


The shadow of disability

The shadow of disability
Fills my urinal to the brim.
This is not a piss-take.

I saw it fill up in my mind
Like an Isla Negra, a rich
Chilean wine, stroke un-

Corked to bleed out on
The floor, the residue, due-
Ende, like a full-bodied

Chianti but there is no such
word as can’t, can't I sit down in
A wheelchair protest that

Gets me write out of my head.


Someone once said that science
Truths are as valid as poetry but
Poetry became my life when
was stroked away in 2005.

So, where do I stand or sit-in
My wheelchair, paralyzed
By this thought?

I didn’t just write a pome with-
In a pome but I wrote a pome
Within a pome in me.

Bret Weinstein an evolution bio-
Ologist said that his mathematical
Mentor said, ‘math is the formula
We resort to when we are wrong’.

This is my verbal argument

Poetic biology.


The rain on the window magnifies the trees
con-cave dryad, I tell myself I’m free?
Every mourning I get images in my head
Branches warp, splinter like shell-shock
 in the air.

Splintered wood from a wood in world war one
Where stood Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon.
We are one under the sun, I give them a voice,
they stand tall and straight and bend and hold
the future like a veil.

I am only free because they are a part of me
Exploding cut down to the stump of tree.
This is what I see out of my window, his-
Story tells myself I’m free, they are free in me.

This pome is the alpha male, my wooden wand
But this is not a fairytale it comes from
the land. I know not what this pome makes
of me, I who was cut down to make poetic

A sapling growth out of the past from
 a dead mound we tread the earth, but
you are there deep underground.

Last night I watched the barefoot –
Doctor give a talk on Taoism and Ken
Wilber spoke of a recurring dream
he had as a boy that sparked in me
a recurring dream that I had of a rabid
slobbering dog that chased me
through a corridor in dreamscape.

I always wondered why my shadow
Was so dark in my poetry. I never
Realized that it was the anger of
The beast.

Nirvana, samsara, nirvana, samsara
Repeated like a mantra, for a moment
the wheels of samsara suffering came
off  and left me in the realm of possibility.


I had transcended the troubles
And the special powers act
Through my poetry into my
true self.

Me and my shadow, nirvana, sam-
Sara. My spiritual intelligence, a par-
alell-a-verse, My head injury was cris-
Crossing my divided brain. Neurons
Were firing in my mind like thoughts
I hadn’t used during my stroke.

Being, consciousness flowed like shadows
In Plato’s cave, Hericlitus flow, super genius
A morphogenetic field of measured matter
Individuation, my humanity lives forever
In my pomes, trans-my-great, it’s a bloody
Mystery said Wilber satori, satori, satori.


I’m at the breakfast, dinner, lunch table
With the usual early morning stuff
Poetry scrambled egg and coffee.
The bench is bolted to the wall
For wheelchair access.

The trees outside are almost bare but
that’s enough of them, I must go in to go out.
The piles of books on my radiator
Add warmth, act as my comfort blanket
its snug and cozy here but
it lacks just one thing

An active imagination won’t bring it back but
It gives me a sense of artistic meaning
And that’s half the battle.

Imperfection is the language of art
                                        Robert Lowell

Broken down by evolution
A chip on lifes glaze.
My mother is there in
The spirit of the tree
Watching over me.

Red hue street-
Light infiltrates
And warms my
Lonely Inner glow.


I can’t do right by doing wrong.
Emotion rebounds back into me
Shell-shocked, I don’t have no mem-
ory but I know I was there like a rubber
bullet thud, in a mist of tear-gas tears
I was brought up on my knees in Belfast
but I never went on a killing spree cause
I saw peace in front of me. 

Received £5:90 on the dole, living in a green
red home, living the Craigavon dream-Good-
year, failure my scene.  I wrote my unwritten
graffiti, Fuck Paisley and Fuck the Pope, Violets
(Lost lives) a homage to hope un-
naturally rules ok!


Valentina, stands in front of the church
In the place where statues stood.
Her nightmare began.

‘All Tutsi’s will die
Slowly, slowly like rats.
When you kill rats
You start with the babies first’
They sang herding them into the church.

As the light begins to fade, here.
The blackbirds swoop down and peck
On the scraps of yesterday’s meal.
I read an article on a Rwandan girl
Valentina, who survived the genocide.

Just thirteen and no tears left to cry.

       This place is beginning
      To sap my soul Literature
     and music can’t find a home

            I don’t think
  I’ve been this far down
          My life is beginning
         I’m starting to drown.

I haven’t had a shower now in 5 months
The house is un-adopted and I live like a mouse

I’m starting to burrow
Into my own black                                                                                           hole
Creating a void as cold and lonely as the poles.

There’s a riot going on again at the end of my road
They’re burning buses again or so I’ve been told.

Poetry is the only thing that keeps me alive
And ill create nectar from this negative hive.


We are locked in 1959, in cold blood
Truman Capote went out the front door
And Perry smith went out the back.

Two worlds collided that night
We have never seen the same since.
What happened that night is beyond us
But true man Capote seen and felt it.

Compassion before that wasn’t seen
And will never be seen again.


All you want in life is to wake
In the morning and bed at night.
My care package, leave a man
With a full urinal and not a pot
To piss in.  Untrained to remove
My footplates, I have to be tolerant
Of these people. A man left in
A state of undignified disability.

I’m being tolerant no more
I cant live an uncaring way

For Andrea

I’m tingling, downloading Hungary
The way her spring erect warmth
Embraced and licked my skin

Holds me through the window of a bus
And plane journey to Budapest.
Bursting free like an erect nipple
A sap trickling along a bark.
A virgin awakening from rotting
By the buds of spring opening free
Like a drifting cloud that captures
Her moist embrace.

The full moon drifts, she sleeps soundly
Now, beside me. I cast back into the shadows
And almost touch the silhouettes of leaves
And her budding youth.

I found these words written on a Hungarian
Airline pouch, she sleeps soundly beside me
Wrapped in her herself. Her skin remembering
Every wonderful touch.

She opens those beautiful eyes as they did
Back then in Augher, Clogher or Five-mile-town.
Just a glance that knows I love her. So, I won’t have
To say that, anyway our skin will never forget.


The monkey-pole takes shape becomes my lover
a Picasso thingy-ma-jig.  You can see in her eye
her features of strap, she’s smiling.

My fingers fold around the hand grip like
Waves on the ocean, as if caressing inner you.
I know it’s just a monkey-pole, I haven’t gone

Looking up, makes me think of a time
When art was free, someone, something.
The bare light bulb is her neckline, her love
Feeds me memory I thought was lost?

I’m at a creative writing class in Armagh
The poet/tutor asks for a word from every-
One to create a sonnet.  My word is fuck
Can I use the word love instead, she said.
 No I said, there is no alternative to that word.

I live in a time gone by, I still don’t under-
Stand why a world renowned poet wont
Use a word that’s in the dictionary, it still
Bafell’s me to this day but she just went
Ahead and created a love poem.

What’s so wrong with fuck and love?
Isn’t that the purpose of life?  I’ve been
Expelled, beat up, sacked, my sons don’t
Even talk to me for using a four-letter word.

Are we are hiding from truth?


My Dad walked down to the red river bed
Near the wall that leads to the rich red water.
Beneath the water on the ragged rock
Lies a dead salmon of knowledge.

The walk, for exercise turned into
A walk of adventure, full of mossy rocks.
I slipped on my ass, landing in a puddle
But I didn’t care because I was happily
Walking the shores of the Shannon

With my family.



The strength of the waves
of the ocean. White, white water
on the rocks below washing in me
your eternal tide, hough I hear your
melancholy lament always rising
to my spirit level from the shivering
bed of sea.

Flow, flow, unpredictable wave
Forever spew your eternal cries.
In you, I hear the sorrow of heart
And the roaring sadness of life.

My heart sinks like a pebble
From the rocks, waves of sorrow
The grief flows forever within me.


I woke up with words embedded
On my psyche, on the right side
Of my brain. I always hoped
That I was up the left but
That was stroked away.

Now I’m like a butterfly
Fluttering by so, these
Are the right words
In the wrong order.

My past and future tense
Sits in a wheelchair, locked
Into himself, looking for
A morsel of nectar.

Nature opens up the door
And drifts like time itself.
Is this my door into the dark?
The recycled bin. I don’t want
Your sentimental slush.

I don’t live in tin-sell out  town
I’m turning muck into art.


The rain on the window magnifies the trees
con-cave dryad, I tell myself I’m free?
Every morning I get images in my head
Branches warp, splinter like shell-shock
 in the air.

Splintered wood from a wood in world war one
Where stood Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon.
We are one under the sun, I give them a voice,
they stand tall and straight and bend and hold
the future like a veil.

I am only free because they are a part of me
Exploding cut down to the stump of tree.
This is what I see out of my window, his-
Story tells myself I’m free, they are free in me.

This pome is the alpha male, my wooden wand
But this is not a fairytale it comes from
the land. I know not what this pome makes
of me, I who was cut down to make poetic

A sapling growth out of the past from
 a dead mound we tread the earth, but
you are there deep underground.

Belfast city blues

That’s what happens at 
times like this, you get lost-
 Jack Kerouac said

write as if you’re 
the only person left on-
earth, yesterday I 

may as well have been 
on a weather station-
 watching out for forest 

fires in the middle
of nowhere flames licking  
clouds of haiku

I'm a dharma bum.
These are my are my Belfast 
city blues.

For Ted Hughes

I imagine a landscape of your poems:
A sacred wood, a pagan burial ground
Where the eyes of wild lifeblood red
devour prey.  Surrounded by darkness 
of gothic tales.  Cold moons fall on 
a perpetual November sky.

Winter soil on your chalk-white flesh
Deep in the womb of your savage earth.
The nonchalant delight of your toil, free
from the vulvitis noose.  

That something else is alive unseen, 
black velvet feathers oiled in crude sway 
within black rainbows and peck 
your birds-eye tomb vision.

Rain from a broken gutter spout, your poems
Gush with cold delight, the purification
Of a stagnant well.

I.M.Ray Carver

I read a lot of poetry and books on
poetic criticism but I always go
Back to the master its as if he could
Write in a supermarket and make it
Poetic, he's one of the only writers
who writes my tongue. 

I know in the poetry world I'm trailer
park trash, I'm proud to be. I sit
here by the Blackwater our spot
by the river in a wheelchair watching
water comes together with other water. 

It's September and the autumn leaves
are falling beside the discarded Buck-
fast bottle and a sign that says:
Zebra mussels, where am I, I ask myself?

I was twelve when I fell paralytic
Outside my aunt's back door and was carried
home unconscious, I've been around drink
all my life.

When I was 45 I blacked out and woke para-
lyzed in a hospital bed unable to walk or talk 
sucking oxygen.  My sister died from alcoholism 
and my brothers a reformed alcho, so, he says, 
I never understood the term 

I don't want to be a nice poet I want to be 
a real poet.  I drive around with music all day 
the groove dictates my every move. 
It and poetry is my life, If I closed my eyes 
I would be lost at Washing bay, I nudge 
myself awake and have lunch at a motor-
way café, fingering silence.


I smoked the pipe for Lou Reed
and the smoke went up in smoke.
His spirit climbed the walls like
The sword of Damocles', Blue

I know where I was when I heard.
I got a phone call from my ex-wife
saying it said on the news Lou Reed
was dead, I was writing a poem called
with-in listening to a Lou reed song

called the day John Kennedy died
I stopped and cried.  I woke this
morning raw eyed, maybe I dreamt
there was a point to life and human

A shadow shimmered like smoke
on the wall, a new day as if a dark 
shadow was lifted from me, I can't 
explain but I felt good in me, I could 
hear music playing in my head.

Like me he loved reality, the autumn 
leaves fell outside, I know what 
I want to do, play Lou.


I dreamed I dropped a cigarette
And there was nothing I could do,
Only lay there paralysed and watch
The place go up in smoke.

My right side is lifeless listless dead.
I lay and watched the carpet burn like
A picture on the screen. I watched

The things in front of me slowly dis-
Appear like the light was taken from
My eyes, like Keats watching
his own death.

Two hundred years back before me
And I just watch it burn, I had to find
A way in for our words to burn, I live
Out here in yesterday but its today I fear.

His old right hand lay nerveless listless
Dead, shadows of the magic hand of chance.
Why should I open my melancholy eyes?
Blazing Hyperion in his orbed fire,
darkened place.

Dreams of death and darkness death
and darkness monstrous forms, effigies
of pain. There are a thousand signs of purer

life, receive the truth and let it be your balm.


In this hell-cell, I have created some-
Thing of purpose. Basho once said
‘My solitude shall be my company,
And my poverty my wealth’.

I have juxtaposed my mad room,
kitchen I am-ness, mantelpiece.
Into one black-hole, event horizon.

A place free from the claims of
Poetry, as Cheszlaw Milosz put
It a more spacious form. I have

Woke these last few days with
A feeling that there is something
Out there like a touchable dream.

The portal of poetry is wobbly open
The sense of Ezra Pound like a wave
Of energy gone wrong, these are

The best words in the best order,
darkness within darkness accidently

on purpose.


I want to sit by Atilla Jozsefs bonfire
A super duper one, that warms
the entire population. A tired man
a lonely castaway that lives in
a great mans words. The memory
of you and szeged is far away but
your sullen catacombs are here.
I am your statue park, where
Water meets other water

The river of your pure heart.

A hacked human, living in
the hand side of his brain.
No past, no future tense
A shell-shock cul-de-sac.

You can’t go back if
There’s nothing to go
Back too. This is a poem

Within a poem.

for J.C.

Long ditch, more
like a prison than
a human dwelling.


Red house painters.
Walking down the hill
Knowing why, making love
In time, in time, in time
The pain caused musical
Emotion. Alone without
Family, more than you had
Hope only with karma
Bleeding quietly.

Your life amounts to
The full medicine bottle.
Red lead paint on
The cold stone floor.

Subduing loss and loneliness
Applying serious mystery.

Written on first hearing grace cathedral park.

For Lou Reed

Two persons
In one, sip-
Da bardo.

This pome moves
In 49 steps, the con-
Tinual bardo.

Suspended between
Magic and loss, thought
And expression like
Sanskrit being read
To a pony.

Transcript of Antarabhava

Key Terms Antarabhava: The existence in an interval. 
The period between death and rebirth. Analysis of the Buddhist 

juis suis personne

Fernando Pessoa takes me
to a higher complete state
of inner self.

From someone to nobody
And back again, a persona
juis we personne.

I am him and he is me from

All sides.  Vacant of memory.


A black and white bird
Blue on and blue off
My fence shimmering
A back ground of green.

I scan the books for lines
To jump off the page but
Everything has memory.
Lou Reed said between
Thought and expression.

Kill your sons:  Every-TIme
You tried to read a book
You couldn’t get to page 17.
A library of books and one
Line jumps of the page

Shimmering blue.

Haiku memory, stand alone poetry

Teargas and rubber
Bullets ttthhh-uuu-mmmp
When the queen says no.

Rioting, Flax street mill
A black british soldier stood up
From behind sand-bags.

The bastards have shot
My only son, she wept, I had
To step over-blood.

Based on Michael Hartnetts, A Gaeltacht face.


Yes, these are the rocks
From the ruins of violence.
I know this place like
The back of my hand.
Blood on the stones
Absorbed into the soil.

Pools full of dead creatures
A bird as black as hatred is.
Yes, these are the old hills
Now made of bandaged lint.
I know this stained ulster well
I who am a stranger!

Yes, these are the sullen faces
With their suspicious glare.
Cold weather beaten faces
Full of despair and little hope.
Hills, faces, headstones up-thrust
Each crack explodes in dust.

From fear, an everlasting frost
This hatred lingers on.
Whether the cold earth endures
A certain face will live with me.
Though stars not see, wind not
Sound, this face will follow me

Underground, the cold heart
Of its beauty that violence de-


Amelia Earhart never went down
She crash-landed on the Marshall
Islands, held by Japanese military rule
And died a prisoner on Saipan.
The much-touted new evidence shows
A photo found by a federal agent.
The U.S. government covered It up
But Earhart is clearly seen with
The plane in the back ground, ashore.
They promised us transparency

And this is what we got.


A picture of Van Gogh is in front of me
painted on a piece of kitchen roll.
This is the poetics of space
to find his inner me.  I know
the tears you shed were shed by me.

The picture isn’t any-where near
Your master pieces but this is
My only way in.  The paper creases
Are like winter trees, they bare your soul
Vines that distort your eye on me.

I can feel your presence from way back then
As if it was only yesterday, painted on kitchen-
Roll in my kitchen, a yellow background view.
I know this is only a sketch, but you perforate
My world, giving me a little hope for tomorrow.

Painted like a child you are what isn’t there
You can see through me.  A penetrated stare
The arc of your blind brow.  The blue sky of dusk
And the bare winter tree stands like it was
Seen by Vincent Van-Gogh, so, so long ago.

‘Futureless wanderings’. Your mother said
I do not put on your show I couldn’t even if I tried.
All I want is humanity the humanity you didn’t
Know.  The blue and yellow golden hue
and the shining-perspective, you. 
I light my pipe and the smoke wafts
You black white and grey. 

Your look says it all.


What started it all was the phone
ringing in the middle of the night
stirring the whole house. At first,
he thought it was a phone ringing
in his dream as if the volume
was slowly increased and the tone
of sleep turned down.

By the time he got halfway down
the stairs and reached down into
the dining-room and took the phone
from the wall, the female recorded
voice said ‘the caller with held
their number’.

He climbed back into bed and began
to drift off thinking it was probably
his brother in Canada he’s the only one
it could be as he usually rang him late
at night what with the time difference
and him having a drink and getting
an inkling for home.

His wife Catherine lay still beside him
with her eyes closed saying a prayer into
her self for her parents hoping they were ok.
Just as the house began to settle back into
silence the phone rang like a siren, he piled
out of bed with his worst fears and Catherine
sat up in the bed ’ Oh, fuck no’, she heard him
say and her heart skipped a beat.

She heard him set the phone down, but every-
thing fell silent as the names of her family
and his flashed through her mind. She watched
him enter and cross the room and noticed that
even his cock lay unusually limp without emotion 
expressing how he felt.

“It’s Jimmy”, he said, he’s had a brain aneurysm,
“oh no” , “What happened she said it took four
hours for the ambulance to arrive they took him 
to Letterkenny hospital then rushed him to Dublin
with a Garda escort. “Poor Janice and Ben they’ll
be lost without Jimmy, you’ll have to go down,
yeah I know in the morning let’s get some sleep.

He closed his eyes trying not to think of Jimmy
but a storm blew wild outside like his fight for
survival.  He remembered him tossing the plastic
furniture around the garden, conjuring images
of summer outside the Poets House at the foot
of Muckish Mountain and Jimmy just being him-

He tossed and turned for what seemed like hours
before he got up and went to his study and took
Jimmy’s latest collection of poetry.
The Company of children from the shelf.
He wasn’t a religious man but him sitting reading
aloud the first poem in the book Night Song
from a Previous Life, sounded like a prayer
or a spiritual chant: These are my golden times,
at night/at the kitchen desk with the table light/
with Bush at my elbow and a bottle of stout/

the family in bed and the cat put out/a contented
island of concentration/that the muse might visit
with inspiration/And what if I turn aside to read?
Fiction is food you always need/And what if I pick
at my old guitar? / Maybe a singer is what you are?

The piano seldom inveigles me/ That noise would
waken the family/So light up another fag and brood/
on the peace and sweetness of solitude/ Don't get
nervous. Relax, you bum! / You know the poems 
have always come/ Even your doubts when they’re 
from the heart/presage new terrifying works of art.


                                                 Lawrence Krauss

A pome anti-pome, negative
Capability,  a  prison cell of
the mind. The light from my
window shadows jail cell bars
it starts off like a blues song
with just little hope.  Science
and the blues go hand in hand.

Porridge is the texture of brain
Who is eating who? The hard-on
misspelt hadron collider goes
round and round ,  the after-

Glow of the big bang theory
( stroke ). Spike Milligan said
‘We are fucked’, accidently
On purpose, physics, poetry,

Cosmology, a poetic quantum
Wave like an infinite stanza
In a multi-verse, the poetry
of reality is the portal of poetry.

This is an anti-particle that
Hasn’t been discovered yet.



Raymond Carver has sunk in sleep...All things beside 
Are sleeping too: The brass swan paperweight sleeps 
On Hebrew translations, Butts in the ashtray sleep with 
Ash, Chekhov, the lapdog and the wicker chair sleep 
In the intricate weave of willow-like the exiled words of 
Joseph Brodsky. Tess sleeps in a bed of hummingbirds 
The photographs and the pins that hold them sleep in 
The cork they penetrate. His unpublished words sleep 
Piled high in the bunks of America. Belfast and Sligo 
Sleep even the doctor sleeps in a handshake of blue 
Sea and sails. 


Tree hero by Mairitin O' Direain blogger: sorry


Save your sub-
stance for captured 
moments, grip the words
Immerse them in sap.

Be one with the tree
erupting from each
veined leaf pulsing 
white roots in the dark-

ness, cries of soiled 
wonder fall from ashen
Eye of poet-tree hero.

The sprouting buds of

Light looks down on you
eyes of the wise owl 
in the thick black night- 
let words take root, 
ejaculate a poem 

into the cavern 
of life

An peaca (the sin) by SEAN O’ Riordain


The moon fell from the sky like

a well worn coin out of circulation.

Like an injured swan fighting to

Grasp the flight path of night.

She struggled to hold her head up-

right above the lake of her soul but

she fell like a tragic poem into

the swan song of poetry.

The screech of sinners echoed the night

like war tearing at flesh and I thought

I saw the busted corpses piled like

a heap of shit.

I looked at the finished poem again

seeing the fiction and the truth

and I look to the moon plummeting

through the morals of heads and tails.

 Deagoir ag Driftail by Cathal O’ Searcaigh
On a filthy platform of Euston station I writhe
on my hold-all of dreams. The train screeches
away tearing cold tracks, my open wounds of
loneliness, erupting steam exhaling like a sigh
of smoke. I turned on the gap of the street
the sun washed in cascading into my heart.
Sitting here on a bench among the blooms
of Finchley, a slight warm breeze raises
the skirts of wild Iris. I watch a handsome
young  soldier among the poppies, his
gestures and the swaying stems of his
stride more to my delight than the girl
by his side nestling a child to her breasts.
He stoops elegantly picks a poppy and turns
to fade from my view, without as much
as a glance, without a care for me. Oh, how
foolish the heart is that runs away in the eyes
of a stranger.  Oh, how miserable my fantasies
are that are not made to live. My futility bleeds
the red drops of longing while Lupin’s dance erect
in the earth, exposing their seeping stems to
the pansies while me and the damned girl fidgets
on the bench, the child asleep in her arms,
dressing cupids arrow its hard tip drawn
from the flowerbed.
I came here from hills and bogs from the prim
and proper parishes of their norm, talking them-
selves out of poverty without the means  to accept
me and my way. To escape the walls of their routine,
I want to fly from the roots of their past. Let them
dig the damp earth for myths and pick at the fibres
of legend, seeking the Dolmens treasure to nourish
their souls in the dark dank depths of winter.
The awful stench of tradition makes me sick,
the skulls of my ances5tors, the dripping leaves
of disgust on my family tree.  I’m too young
to let them hang over me.
The decaying streets heave in stifling air
Clambering concretes city sickness,
Through Dollis hill with a burdened fever
Above the flights of washing lines.
Dripping sweat between its thighs
and breasts, the oozing puss of building
sites. Festering like V.D. on its anguished
expression, the foul stench of disease
lingering in my nostrils. I run from its
sick sight and jump on a bus to
Cricklewood Broadway.
The voices of all Ireland echo here amongst
The accents of the world, the twang and slur
Of their slang is moist like the sea and mist
In Irelands air. I see them here my brothers
From all the crags of the coast, cliff-faced
With the Herons stride like barnacles’
Wretched from the shoreline seeping
to grip the cities concrete. I hear them in
The bell and crown, the wild men, impulse
Of the tribe. You  Bastard! You Cunt!
They yell at themselves as the whisky
Sours hope. I don’t want my youth
to drown In the gutter or corrode alone
in a bedsit in Kilburn or Tufnel park in
Walthamstow or Holoway, Cricklewood,
Camden Town or an Archway. I have no
desire to be lost and alone here with
not a soul visiting my heart. In my hands
I have sorrow a razor blade and death but
I want to lay a table of joy to dress every-
day I live in the robes of delight.
I browse in the bookshops of Charing cross
lost among the beatniks, those that have
voodoo in their vibes of verses, the Haiku
of concrete life. Like good grass I Feel
the buzz of everyday living thing in tune
with here and after. Tingling my way to
the Strand and Drury Lane with my flesh
on fire, the beat poetry flows like Buddah
divine stepping through drunks, bag ladies.
The sweltering sun beats down like a pick-
pocket fleeing shadows from the street
and the panting take cover in the pubs
hiding behind closed doors. I take refuge
in a fast food café the waitress throws me
a glistening glance, all of a sudden the blood
rushes within me London is solid rocking,
in her laugh, erupting nipples the tingling
of her thighs.
By the urinals of Piccadilly a young boy speaks
To me, his eyes soft and gentle, not like I ex-
pected a rent boy to be, nesting in the branches
Of my laugh. In the queer that bind us together
like the wind and the rain. His tongue lapped
and licked my quivering flesh with  the forest
of his breath leaving a sap of jewels sparkling
in my eyes red faced in the night, he left me
and my senses tingling.
I  feel sorrow here in Berkeley Square with
The burnt stars in the sky. The nightingale
is no longer heard but my three are with me.
Lifting my depression from the night,
the throbbing pulse of Ginsberg, Corso
and Ferlingetti. So, if I don’t find a bed for
the night they will color the dark, while
I snuggle into the blanket of my dreams
Safe in the light of the moon.

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