Saturday, 26 October 2019




These are my holy war
Lottery numbers, I don’t
Do the lottery or hate.

I’m just the son of a bastards
Son, living him on the run.
Republicanism cut me down
To his narrow water vision.

Eng-ire-land I seen beyond
You and me, catholic/pro-
Testant kill one another.

How many more holy wars
Do we have to endure, are
We just barbarians let out
On a Good Friday agreement.

It’s just a matter of time un-
Less matter really matters

The big hand in the sky is 
pointing at you, Yes you!  
I hope these numbers
Don’t come up again?


Armorous abstraction

I felt the cosmic

order gleam-the leaves like

tiny butterflies.

Build a bonfire,

 a super-duper one to

warm the  population.

No arrows, stones

or guns just a sigh of beauty-

a train whistle blows.


Empty space is vital
                         Lawrence Krauss

A pome anti-pome, negative
Capability,  a  prison cell of
the mind. The light from my
window shadows jail cell bars
it starts off like a blues song
with just little hope.  Science
and the blues go hand in hand.

Porridge is the texture of brain
Who is eating who? The hard-on
misspelled hadron collider goes
round and round, the after-

Glow of the big bang theory
( stroke ). Spike Milligan said
‘We are fucked’, accidentally
On purpose, physics, poetry,

Cosmology, a poetic quantum
Wave like an infinite stanza
In a multi-verse, the poetry
of reality is the portal of poetry.

This is an anti-particle that

Hasn’t been discovered yet.

There is no hatred
in my heart so-the stroke


In a push-chair stuck in a lift
On the isle of dogs. The bridge
Parted to let the cargo boat
Go by on the Thames but me
and my mother were stuck
In the bridge lift, an infant who
Felt his mother’s panic stress.

My brother nearly losing his
Finger on galvanized steel.
Telling my mother to take
A pill to calm down.

My mother is dead and me
And brother haven’t spoke
In thirty years, he lives in

How can I remember this?

Ubuntu and a breath of peace


As I sat down to write this my son came into the room
He looked into my eyes, said can I press something daddy.
I’ll tell you what to press ok, his small face contorted to
Catch my sight and he said please let me do it as well
I will press the buttons you like, me and you will press
Them together, he said, now I’ll do all the rest, ok daddy.

Within the lines of gobbledegook created I got him to
Write his name, brilliant Kern I said and his eyes glistened.
In that tiny instant the whole concept became reality in the eyes
Of a little boy who wasn’t told to go away and play with toys.

The great poet Patrick Kavanagh said that the hardest thing
To recreate is simplicity but Ubuntu strives to encourage
And nurture the sparkle in the eyes of who need a break-in
Our society and along the road of gobbledegook simplicity
Will form, Ubuntu then for me Ubuntu, Ubuntu and lots more.

James Simmons read and heard my gobbledegook love of poetry
And awarded me a scholarship in poetry, creative writing the first
In my family with an M.A. thirty years later I still can’t fathom it.
I was a struggling writer but he seen past my unlearnt grammar.
Raymond carver said, ‘Influences are forces circumstances,
personalities, irresistible as the tide, it’s the kind of influence that
is as common to us, and as natural as rainwater.


This verse is for all the violent dead
who know eternal peace, united for-
ever for all the families who grieve
the slaughtered fleece.

Ulsterman rise from your knees
and feel this peaceful breeze.
Inhale this peace into your lungs
No more bullets, no more guns

And your breath will fall upon Ireland
And you will know that breath is yours.
Death comes to us all like a bullet to
The head, life comes to us all like
The aftertaste of lead.

Take that hatred from your hearts and re-
Cognise your brother, take that bitterness
From your throat and spit it to the gutter.
Knowing that you have cut down innocent

Sons and daughters, then your filth will
Filter through these polluted Irish waters
And your breath will fall on Ireland
And you will know that breath is yours.


In this hell-cell, I have created some-
Thing of purpose. Basho once said
‘My solitude shall be my company,
And my poverty my wealth’.

I have juxtaposed my mad room,
kitchen I am ness mantelpiece.
Into one black-hole, event horizon.

A place free from the claims of
Poetry, as Cheszlaw Milosz put
It a more spacious form. I have

Woke these last few days with
A feeling that there is something
Out there like a touchable dream.

The portal of poetry is wobbly open
The sense of Ezra Pound like a wave
Of energy gone wrong, these are

The best words in the best order,
darkness within darkness.


A wired orange paper shade hangs
from the center of my room like
a stalactite forming falling from
the roof of my contemporary cave.

Dripping light, a subtle glow splashes
on the encrusted walls of books, posters,
poems, photos. Neolithic simple forms
of art fossilized in memory.


The red russet tree
stands out like red 
and black luxury.

Something not for free,
the vape smoke goes
up in smoke like
cloud on a sunny day.

Capitalism has ruined
humanity, beauty is in
the eye of the beholder.

Poetry like sunshine 
is free, why do we think
of current sea, man made.

Nature gave us such beauty
and we throttle it.


Andy Irvine at the Ceili house.
His music lilting all around like
an intricate Celtic design.

One man and his Greek guitar:
Bouzouki-lingering through the air
Like a matured Irish whiskey.

A pint of black porter, sipping
Him and his guitar like Woddie
Guthrie’s prodigal son.


For twenty five years now this dwelling has stood
Just like others in the mazen rows.

Stainless steel chimneys rise from the roofs beside satellite dishes fixed to the walls. A fixed orbit, stationary, slumped in the arm-chair, a sense of freedom on The Discovery channel.  Acres of grassland, trees sprouting life and yet we tread the black tarmac paths.

Under the bridges plastered in graffiti, young men mumbling intervals of cheap wine.
Elegant commotion in the hairdressers,
The food hall is customer-less.

The job market closed, political negligence. Shadowed by a two and a half million pound bomb proof police station, blew up by a two thousand pound bomb. 

Pill-popping commotion in the pharmacy, he sick eageraly awaiting repair, receiving  a twenty four hour fix, with the tired look of the few that work. The sad look of those that tick the box where It states:

I receive the benefit of income support. The new's Echoes freely through the letterbox like a brown envelope from the D.H.S.S.

The loss of dignity stoops down in the hall,
The un-worked past creates a void presence.
The despair of gum ripped from an unpaid-
Bill, uncovered by the dole cheque with
too few nought’s. 

Unable to hold together the pride of anyone’s life and so we tread again black tarmac paths.

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